Had been waiting for over an hour at the reception area in an office for a meeting. Although I had been engrossed with my work, I was open to have some “small-talk” with the receptionist who had been nothing but friendly to me since I arrived. As we got talking, she asked for my Instagram handle, which I obliged and after some few scrolls, she looked at me and burst out laughing. “You can’t be serious”. She said with a straight face, I thought we were acting out a movie script. I couldn’t make out the emotions she displayed but I could sense some sarcasm. She was shocked that I introduced myself to her as a Fashion Blogger and Beauty enthusiast, but there was I tagging and representing in my photos some very cheap and high street retailers namely H&M, PRIMARK or NEWLOOK e.t.c. “Ewoo”! I tried to educate her on my beliefs, but I knew I could not win the argument with someone who had a myopic mindset. I continued my job till I was ushered in for my meeting. As I left the bu...