Popular celebrity stylist cum fashion designer Toyin Lawani was spotted on set shooting the lookbook for ‘Freedom Collection’ from her Elegante By Tiannah Styling fashion brand.
The ‘Freedom Collection’was actually showcased at the African Fashion Week London in August of 2013.
Photoshoot Credits
Photographer: Ade Okelari (asiko)- Instagram.com/asiko_artist
Styled by Tiannah Styling
Models: Jojo Lara, Erica Carvalho, Reegan Wain
Make Up: Ray Jeweled Beauty- Instagram.com/rayjeweledbeauty
Hair & Stylist Assistant: Riamthataff- Instagram.com/riamthataff
Styled by Tiannah Styling
Models: Jojo Lara, Erica Carvalho, Reegan Wain
Make Up: Ray Jeweled Beauty- Instagram.com/rayjeweledbeauty
Hair & Stylist Assistant: Riamthataff- Instagram.com/riamthataff
Credits: Instagram.com
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