Hey guys today i'm going to share with you 3 power combos that is sure to not just promote great hair length but also add sheen to your hair.
#1: Hot oil treatment
The hot oil treatment comprises of oils which has and will add extra benefits to your hair. Oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil,avocado oils, shea butter and so on depending on your choice. To start make sure you have a plastic bag or shower cap ready as well as a towel. Mix 1 tsp of each oil into a bowl depending on your hair volume. Mix properly for like 3mins and apply generously on freshly washed and conditioned hair. Put on your plastic bag or shower cap and wrap your towel around your head. Allow to sit in for 30 mins max.
Massaging your scalp is possibly and also proven to be one of the very best ways to grow your hair and even faster.
This will only take few mins of your time. All you have to do is rub your finger tips gently all round your scalp to increase blood flow which also delivers nutrients needed for hair growth. You can even massage-in your hot oil treatment.
#3 Protein conditioning pack
As we all know the hair fiber comprises of protein. And so to promote hair growth you need to feed your hair with protein. To make the protein conditioning pack you will need olive oil (to prevent the egg from cooking on your head), eggs(depending on your hair vloume) and honey.
So in a bowl mix the olive oil, honey and egg in a bowl or you can use a blender to mix it well.Then apply the mask to hair generously and cover over night with a plastic bag or shower cap. The next morning you rinse of with warm water.
So naturalistas do try it and lets know the out come.
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