Starting of afresh is a great idea especially when it comes to beauty.Our feature on beauty for today focuses on a healthy, more stylish life,we have simple solutions that will help you achieve your beauty goals.
Don't share your makeup with a friend! It's the easiest way to transfer germs and catch pink eye—plus other gross bacterial issues you don't want.
Wash your face every night before bed (or at least keep cleansing wipes on your nightstand).
Get rid of your mascara every six months—it's a breeding ground for bacteria! If you notice a change in smell throw it out sooner.
Now's a great time to clean out your makeup bag. (Really, when was the last time you used that lip gloss, it might be time to throw it away!)
Exfoliate once a week using mild soap and a washcloth or loofah.
Take a multivitamin every day they are good for fighting bacterial and giving you the much needed energy.
Clean your makeup brushes weekly, since build-up can lead to breakouts or infections.
As good as they feel, try not to take really steamy showers. Super-hot water tends to dry out your skin.
Throw out your makeup sponge after every use (or at least once a week). You can buy a 32-pack of makeup sponges for less than a Starbucks coffee.
Give yourself a monthly breast exam in the shower.
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Soruce: Onobello
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